Review peaceful warriors- codes for violence among adult

Assignment task:

Questions come from:

(1) Copes, Heith, Andy Hochstetler, and Craig Forsyth.  2013.  "Peaceful warriors: Codes for Violence among Adult Male Bar Fighters." Criminology 51: 761-794.


(2) Kaufman, Michelle R. 2008.  "'It's Just a Fantasy for a Couple of Hours': Ethnography of a Nude Male Show Bar."  Deviant Behavior  30:  407-433.

Q1. What was the general topic of this research (be specific)?

Q2. What type of methodology was used (again, be specific)?

Q3. What was the central hypothesis of this research (if relevant)?

Q4. Identify the independent variable used in this study.  How was the variable operationalized?

Q5. What was the primary dependent variable used in this study?  How was it operationalized?  

Q6. Assess the internal validity of the research design used in this article.

Q7. Assess the external validity of the research design used in this article.

Q8. What were the primary results of the study?

Q9. What conclusions/practical applications can be taken away from this research?  Do you find that the authors made the right conclusions, given the data that they utilized?

Q10. What are the general strengths and weaknesses of this research design, particularly as far as validity is concerned?   Was the methodology employed appropriate, or would another research design have been more appropriate for this topic? Discuss in detail.

Q11. How would you replicate this study, making it a stronger study methodologically?

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