
Review one health promotion scenario

Assignment Task:

You are responsible for choosing one health promotion scenario for use in all applicable assignments this term. Each scenario provides general information regarding the background for the health issue, region/location, priority population, and goals for the program. As you move through each exercise using the scenario, you are responsible for developing components such as key program actions/tasks, evaluation criteria, specific and measurable objectives, and personnel needs.


A Community Health Needs Assessment found that teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, were a concern among rural community members of a community in Louisiana. A local hospital took the lead in starting a program that makes prevention education a priority at the hospital and in the parish's schools.

Purpose and high-level goals:

The purpose of the program is to help 6th through 12th grade girls develop skills to make informed decisions about their sexual health.

Have participants actively explore their values by practicing responses to various peer situations that can alter their futures.

Help participants develop skills to support positive attitudes and beliefs about self-worth while addressing everyday issues girls their age face.

Implementation details:

It's a Girl Thing meetings are held monthly at the hospital and weekly at the local Jr. High and High Schools.

Facilitators interact with the girls to discuss effective communication, self-worth, respect, responsibilities, and the consequences of teen pregnancy.

Facilitators disseminate health in order to guide the girls in setting personal health goals.

Mental health and suicide risk assessments are offered to It's a Girl Thing participants as well as referrals to appropriate services as needed.

Desired Program Effects:

Reduce teen pregnancy rates in the Parish represented in the study.

Engage at least 200 participants with this information.

Improve school attendance rates by participants as a result of improved self-worth and personal accountability and responsibility. Want Professional Help?

Note- you may be required to further define the "net changes" noted in these program effects. Specifically, to quantify them to be measurable.  

Program adapted from:

Rural Health Information Hub, 2019. It's a girl thing: Making proud choices [online]. Rural Health Information Hub.

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Reference No:- TGS03446465

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