
Review on the i have a dream speech

Watch the following video:


Answer these questions–please use complete sentences and be thorough in your answers. Remember—this is the first time I will see an example of your writing:

1. What type of speech is the “I Have a Dream” speech (i.e. informative? persuasive? demonstration?)? Explain why you think so.

2. What types of techniques does MLK use in the speech to get/keep your attention? Are they effective?

3. Why does King say that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence act as a “promissory note” to the American people? In what way has America “defaulted” on its promises?

4. What do you think King means when he says, “In the process of gaining our rightful place in society we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.” Why is this issue so important to him?

5. King makes liberal use of metaphor—and metaphorical imagery—in his speech. Choose a few examples, and examine what each adds to the speech. How do they collectively help King engage his listeners’ feelings of injustice and give them hope of a better future? (give at least 2 examples).

6. What, in a nutshell, is King’s dream? What vision does he have for the future?

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