
Review of web resources and available information selection

Module Overview:

This module brings together some of the foundations that we have reviewed in earlier modules to assess global business opportunities and initiatives as well as to provide insights into modes of entry for these global opportunities.

A three-step approach to the assessment of the initiatives can be structured to include the identification of the basic appeal of the initiative, analysis of the national business environment in which the initiative will be started, and the measurement of the potential market for a product or a site assessment.

Clearly, our prior examinations of international business issues and environments will serve us well in completing this three-step assessment.

The module is also about introducing the different types of entry modes for actualizing the initiative. Three modes are reasonable to consider:

1. Exporting, importing, and countertrade;

2. Contractual entry; and

3. Investment entry.

The export approach is the least risky as much of the operations will remain in the home country.

A contractual entry approach has advantages of potentially making use of local business contacts in the foreign country through licensing, franchising, or management contracts.

Finally, investment approach can include joint ventures or various types of strategic alliances or complete ownership.

Module Readings and Assignment:

Complete the following readings early in the module:

Module online lectures

From the textbook, International business: The challenges of globalization, 8th, please read the following:

International strategy and organization

Analyzing international opportunities

Selecting and managing entry modes

Course Project Overview:

For the course project, you will select a country (Japan) of interest and assess the international business potential of that country and compare its characteristics to the characteristics of the United States. You will write a 15- to 20-page paper based on your research.

Include the following sections in the paper:

Executive summary

Macroeconomic condition

Political and cultural environment

Operations, Marketing, and Human Resource considerations

Overall recommendations and risk assessment for making business investments into this country

The following organizations gather and publish data relevant to your course project. Use these resources for research.

United Nations

World Bank

International Monetary Fund

European Union

Asian Development Bank

Central Intelligence Agency

Trade Information Center

Japanese External Trade Organization


Ernst & Young

International Trade Centre

Dow Jones


Your course project tasks are:

Task 1: Review of Web resources and available information; selection of the country (Japan)for the course project

Task 2: Check-in: Cultural and political characteristics of the selected country and comparison with the U.S., with statistical data

Task 3: Check-in: Macroeconomic characteristics of the selected country and comparison with the U.S., with specific and documented data and graphic support material

Task 4: Rough Draft: The draft paper in a 10- to 12-page Word document need not include the executive summary or the final recommendations section.

Task 5: Assignment, Course Project Final Paper: Complete paper finalize for grading The project paper should have the following structure:

Executive summary

Macroeconomic condition

Political and cultural environment

Operations, Marketing, and Human Resource considerations

Overall recommendation and risk assessment for making business investments into this country


Assignment: Course Project Final Paper

Based on your facilitator's feedback from rough draft , revise your paper. Revise the executive summary and add the risk assessment and recommendations section.

Submit your work in a 15- to 20-page Word document.

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Operation Management: Review of web resources and available information selection
Reference No:- TGS02861216

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