
Review of the literature relating to traditional knowledge

Project description:

TASK – Traditional Evidence – A critical review of the literature on any topic relating to traditional knowledge (not scientific research) utilised in your field of interest.

Step 1 – Find at least 2 traditional evidence sources pertaining to the discipline you are studying (i.e. Naturopathy, Nutritional Medicine, etc). You will not be able to find these in standard databases for scientific research evidence.

NB: I am studying Nutritional Medicine.

Step 2 – Choose a topic that can be found in all of your traditional evidence sources that includes a disease condition (ie. Headaches) and a treatment (ie. Feverfew).

Step 3 – Write a 750 word critical review of this literature that includes the following structure:

“Do not write a collection of direct quotes from the sources as this is not really an acceptable way to write at a tertiary education level. Direct quotes should only be used when rewriting it would lose meaning and context.

Introduction – Introduce topic chosen. A little background on the topic. Introduce the literature you have found and the basis for your selection of this literature.

Main body – Explain each source of evidence and what it says on the treatment you have chosen (1 paragraph). Discuss its strengths and limitations as a source (originally written in another language, not validated by other sources at the time, information about the author if known, any other generalised conclusions you can draw pertaining to the literature.

Conclusion – See if you can draw any conclusions from what you have found (were the sources similar enough to combine their results? Did the sources raise more questions than they answered? Should there be further research into an area to assess this? Has enough evidence been compiled to draw any conclusions? Are there major gaps in the knowledge?

Step 4 – ignore

Step 5 – Include in-text referencing and a Reference list at the end of the document in Harvard Referencing Style.

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Other Subject: Review of the literature relating to traditional knowledge
Reference No:- TGS01434745

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