
Review of the entire process created from job analysis


Make compensation decisions and explain how you would compensate each of the employees with the budget dollars provided (see Compensation Template in Doc Sharing). You must provide substantiation for your salary decisions. Even with the decisions you make, what might be some consequences? Input your decisions into the template. Include your risk analysis.

100 Literature Review Then, write a 6-10 page paper providing an overall review of the entire process created from job analysis to compensation. Would you change anything in your process at this point? Why? Why not? Include four scholarly articles related to compensation: two articles focused on general compensation and two articles on making compensation decisions. Do not use any verbiage/portion of your previously submitted article reviews from Written Assignments 1 or 2. This article review should be original to this final project assignment.

100 Readability

Follow Guidelines and Best Practices sections below.


write a 6-10 page paper providing an overall review of the entire process created from job analysis to compensation. Would you change anything in your process at this point? Why? Why not? Include four scholarly articles related to compensation: two articles focused on general compensation and two articles on making compensation decisions

Your job now is to pull together all the information you've completed so far in class and make salary decisions for your team. You have completed Cathy's evaluation and received assignment feedback. This is the first year that you've made salary decisions for this team. Be sure to carefully review the information provided. You may simply type in the cells as the text will automatically wrap. You are required to:

Enter Cathy's appraisal rating (she is last on the list);

Within your budget dollars, make your salary decisions based on performance for your team taking into consideration their Salary Grade and the Pay Ranges identified for the Salary Grades (fill in the Salary Decision Column);

Within your budget dollars award bonus money (fill in the Bonus Dollars Column);

In the green line areas, provide your substantiation and risk analysis for the salary decisions made; and

Identify any items from this scenario in whole you may want to address.

Evaluation ratings are 1 = Needs Improvement to 5 = Exceeds Expectations

Salary Budget: $9,000
Bonus Budget: $5,000

Company Designated SalaryPayRanges

A2 = $12,750 - 17,000
A3 = 16,500 - 22,000
A4 = 21,000 - 28,000

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Microeconomics: Review of the entire process created from job analysis
Reference No:- TGS01831403

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