
Review of peter dears revolutionizing the sciences

History Of Science:

Book Reviews:

All students will write a 3-5 page review of Peter Dear’s Revolutionizing the Sciences. Since these are reviews and not “book reports” I am not interested in summaries. Similarly, I am not interested in whether you liked the book or found it interesting. Your review should analyze and critique the author’s thesis or portrayal of some of the historical events or themes covered in this course. For example, how is scientific progress made?  Are there revolutions in knowledge?  How do they happen? Summaries of details may be used as evidence to support your analysis.

Use the following questions as a guide when reading and thinking about the review; they are, however, by no means all inclusive, nor do you need to answer each one. How does the book portray the historical events or themes covered in class? Does the author have a discernable method, theoretical approach, or bias?  Can you see a broad range of changes, social, intellectual, etc., reflected in the issues depicted, the lives examined, the ideas put forward?  What insights do you think the author wanted this book to provide?  How have Dear’s ideas added to your understanding of the History of Science?  What is something you didn’t know before? Please use two primary sources within your review to support your point.

Note – Please see the Document on how to write book reviews also in the Assignment section
Basic Stats:

• All essays must be a minimum of 4 They must be written in 12 pt font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and must meet the full page requirements listed in the assignment.

• There should be no extra spaces between paragraphs.

• Essays should be written so that they address the terms of the assignment.

• Formal essays should be well-organized, with an introductory paragraph that includes a thesis statement and identifies your topic.  You should also have a concluding paragraph that sums up the points you make in your essay.

• Essays may not be based on any readings outside the resources of the textbook and the document you are discussing, and whatever other resources (e.g. a web page assigned in class) that are on the syllabus or in unit descriptions.  HOWEVER, if you would like to use a source outside of the class readings, textbook or assignments, you must clear it with me first.

• When you quote or draw ideas from the textbook or the source you are using, you must cite them correctly.  All essays should have a bibliography or works cited page, depending on your reference format.  For further information about correct citations and avoiding plagiarism, below are two sample addresses for information.




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Science: Review of peter dears revolutionizing the sciences
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