Final Exam- Journal Review
Review of Journal article. Go to JSTOR website or any other academic search website. After selecting the search option select Criminal Justice discipline. If it is not there write criminal justice in the search window.
Use the basic search option to look up quantitative and qualitative research articles. Read and summarize one article that focuses on qualitative research or one on quantitative research.
Purpose of Review
This review is intended to test your understanding of the research process and the extent to which you can critically assess journal articles.
In short, this is to test your understanding of research method and most of the things we learned in this course. This is not an opportunity to plagiarize but to input what you have learned.
Your critique must be neatly typed and double spaced, APA format,12 point , Times New Roman
In your review make sure to include the following areas
The purpose of the article i.e., the introduction establishes the importance of the study
Theory used if any or the literature review. The literature review establishes the context for the study
Method used in the study: is the method used sound, and are the measurement procedure adequate?
Major findings: are the results clearly described.
Discuss your recommendations and conclusion.