I don't think we can actually give a technical definition of truth-at least not one that can be used to verify the truth of statements. Truth is just a label we attach to those of our beliefs that we hold very
strongly, and different people have different processes for evaluating beliefs and attaching the label.
1. Morris writes, "Truth is just that mapping of reality that corresponds to the way things are" (p. 28). Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
2. "What's true for you may not be true for me." This is the basic attitude of relativism. Explain in detail why such an attitude could be very harmful in a working environment.
Professional Development
1. How does the respect for truth or the lack of respect for truth impact the organization you are currently working for (or an organization you worked for in the past)?
How does (did) the leadership of the organization manifest a respect or disrespect for truth and what impact does this have on other employees?
2. Can lying to an employer or to an employee ever be justified? Explain why or why not.
Issues to Consider
1. Morris believes that honorable collaboration with others will help bring about greater accomplishments than individual competition can produce. Provide a few examples from your own business experiences to either support or dispute Morris' position.
Just Business: Business Ethics in Action, second Edition by Elaine Sternberg
If Aristotle Ran General Motors: The New Soul of Business by Tom Morris