
Review-looking into the eyes of those we serve

Discussion: Career Aspirations and Ethics

Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life by Albert Schweitzer

Throughout your program, you have studied ethics as it relates to public administration and creating public policy. As you mark the next step in your career, it is vital to consider how you plan to be an ethical policy maker, social change advocate, political activist, public administrator, or any other role you choose within this field. Employing the highest standards of ethical behavior develops your credibility, strengthens your position as a leader, and demonstrates your integrity as a human being.

Consider ways in which you will be an ethical leader in your future career

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the article, " Looking Into the Eyes of Those We Serve: Toward Complex Equality in Public Administration Ethics." How ethics and the integrity of public adminstrators can impact citizens.

Review the article, "Ethical Conduct and Public Service: Loyalty Intelligently Bestowed." Consider the ethical standards of conduct for public adminstrators.

Think about how you will be ethical in your future career.

Create a 500-word brief description of your career aspirations. Describe two elements from your program of study that you found most valuable for your future career and explain why. Finally, explain one way in which you plan to be an ethical leader in public administration and one way in which you plan to be ethical in creating public policy. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references .

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Other Subject: Review-looking into the eyes of those we serve
Reference No:- TGS02040890

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