
Review investigate the website for the idea


Does it work?

Discussion Topic


Initial Post: After reviewing the purpose of the IDEA, explain whether you think the IDEA is working in general within education. Explain whether you think parents have the necessary tools to improve their child's outcomes and educational future. Include examples from your personal and professional experiences, if you have them. If not, include how you would ensure the parents in your program have the tools they need and use them. (Be sure to maintain confidentiality and use different names.)

The below is a sidenote for you to understand

• The IDEA set the stage for great movement in regards to how children with special needs are included in education settings. It specifies that the person with the disability must be a child, diagnosed with an eligible disability and must require services due to their disability.

o Part A- includes the general provisions and specifies the purpose and all the definitions and terms

o Part B- covers assistance for all children with diagnosed disabilities, from age three through age 21 years, to experience a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) with the least restrictive environment (LRE) available.

o Part C- provides early intervention services for all children from birth to age three years.

o Part D- provides support and grants for technical assistance, training, parent and child programs, and more.

For more information and to review the statute and provisions, investigate the website for the IDEA at https://sites.ed.gov/idea/. You will find links to state specific contacts, resources and other supportive media.

• Mandates from the IDEA

The IDEA requires that states act to find children with exceptional needs, evaluate their needs and provide the services. It is a continual process and children are re-evaluated from every one to three years.

(McGinley, 2018)

Although there are processes set in place, additional provisions are also included to ensure that the true purpose of the IDEA is fulfilled. When provisions are implemented, all children with exceptional needs will find an education. They all work together.

The Provisions of the IDEA are:

1. Zero reject

2. Due process

3. Procedural safeguards, including consent, prior written notice, conflict resolution and parental participation

4. Least Restrictive Environments (LRE)

5. Individual Education Plans (IEP)

6. Free and Public Education (FAPE)

As covered in Module 1, families are of the utmost importance in IDEA and their participation is expected. Educators should be familiar with the IDEA and its provisions in order to best support children and families.



IDEA website

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Business Law and Ethics: Review investigate the website for the idea
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