Review into Diversity Management
Based on the following topic outline, I need help with developing an outlined response to all in APA style. I also have references
Workforce Diversity and Organizational Outcomes
I. Diversity Issues and Turnover
A. Diversity Issues
1. Issue ...
2. Definitions ...
3. Cause ...
4. Effect ...
5. Solution ...
B. Turnover
1. Issue ...
2. Cause ...
3. Effect ... (e.g. "associated costs"
4. Solution ... (e.g. "policies and procedures for conflict resolution") (Dixon, 2007).
II. Conflict and Diversity
A. Conflict Management
1. Issue ... (e.g. people see it as a "problem")
2. Cause ... (e.g. mismanagement of conflict)
3. Effect ... (e.g. "costs time and money")
4. Solution (Epstein, 2005).
III. Diversity Management Costs
A. Diversity Management
1. Issue ... (e.g. "gains have a well-managed program")
2. Cause ...
3. Effect ...
4. Solution ... (e.g. "New ideas, better solutions, and different approaches") (Byers, 2006).
B. Costs (?)
IV. Diversity and Organizational Culture
A. Organizational Culture
1. Issue ... (e.g. "culture and diversity is important...better")
2. Cause ...
3. Effect ...
4. Solution ... (Kimemia, 2013).
V. Diversity and Talent
A. Talent
1. Issue ... (e.g. human capital most important...)
2. Cause ...
3. Effect ...
4. Solution ... (e.g. "Vision and mission are improved with diverse talent...") (Harley, 2010).
Byers, T. D. (2006). Building support for diversity programs among senior management in organizations. (Order No. 3234194, Fielding Graduate University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 86-86 p. Retrieved from (304914537).
Dixon, M. L. (2007). Leadership styles, diversity in work groups, work group effectiveness, and turnover intention. (Order No. 3287132, Lynn University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 200-n/a. Retrieved from (304700588).
Epstein, W. G. (2005). A study of transformational and transactional leadership and the effect on project manager turnover intentions. (Order No. 3191650, Pepperdine University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 156-156 p. Retrieved from (305362841).
Harley, P. (2010). Planning strategically for a diverse talent pool: A case study. (Order No. 3398309, Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 123-n/a. Retrieved from (219931898).
Kimemia, D. (2013). Organizational culture and corruption: A multiple case study of non- governmental organizations in kenya. (Order No. 3559622, Virginia Commonwealth University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 230. Retrieved from (1353672669).
Byers, T. D. (2006). Building support for diversity programs among senior management in organizations (Journal listing data)
Dixon, M. L. (2007). Leadership styles, diversity in work groups, work group effectiveness, and turnover intention. (Journal listing data).
Epstein, W. G. (2005). A study of transformational and transactional leadership and the effect on project manager turnover intentions. (Journal listing data)
Harley, P. (2010). Planning strategically for a diverse talent pool: A case study. (Journal listing data)
Kimemia, D. (2013). Organizational culture and corruption: A multiple case study of non-governmental organizations in kenya. (Journal listing data)