Review how these changes affect strategy for health


Monitor your own performance against key performance indicators and update your personal health and wellbeing strategy accordingly.


Check your performance records eg:

  • compare them to the organisation's KPIs
  • assess your performance against KPIs to see where things can be improved
  • discuss your KPIs with a manager or supervisor
  • Identify new personal or work circumstances eg:
  • employee relocation
  • new staff or departments
  • changes to wages and hours
  • upgrades to technology
  • changes in products or services
  • changes to staff incentives
  • external personal forces like new children, home relocations and illness

Review how these changes affect your strategy for health and wellbeing eg:

adjust your health and wellbeing strategy to accommodate the new circumstances eg:

  • flexible work hours
  • working from home/ telecommuting
  • job share
  • part-time

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Strategic Management: Review how these changes affect strategy for health
Reference No:- TGS03210607

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