Review-hildegard of bingen left a body of work unparalled

Discussion:Women, Art, And Society by Whitney Chadwick questions

Review this book:

"Hildegard of Bingen left a body of work unparalled in its range."

And response to the following questions:

1. How did she contribute to religion?

2. How was her contribution to the Church recognized?

3. Did she challenge the Church's views on women? If so, how? If not, why not?

1. Noting that fifteen century women were skilled artists in Renaissance Florence; do you think their work was well represented during this period? Why is it that we only hear little if any, of women artists of that period in Florence?

2. What caused the shift of womenâ??s role in visual culture from one of production to one of being represented?

3. What were the circumstances that led to the formation of the Confraternity of Paintersa? in 1349?


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