
Review health care usa

Review the book "health care USA- undersytabding its organization and delivery" by Harry A.sultz,Christina M.young and review the below chapters

Chapter 9: Long-Term Care

Chapter 10: Mental Health Services

Chapter 11: Public Health and the Role of Government in Health Care

Chapter 12: Research: How Health Care Advances

Chapter 13: Future of Health Care

and then Answer the following questions:

1. Describe in 3-4 sentences how you plan to use information from Health Careb Organization and Management (HCA 340) in your career, regardless if you find yourself working in a health related field.
2. Which topic was your favorite and why, using 3-4 sentences?
3. In your educated opinion do you feel the Affordable Care Act has the potential to improve the health status of the United States?  Explain in 3-4 sentences.

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