Review hashtag on your chosen social media platform

Problem: Use the hashtag #besttouristspot on Instagram

Scroll through posts that use your chosen hashtag on your chosen social media platform and record interesting posts. Focus on saving a representative array of posts that reflect the kinds of discussion happening on that hashtag, and that allow you to draw some interesting conclusions. You should end up with 10 posts in your data set.

If your search is giving you results of posts that use the hashtag, but also posts that use that exact phrase, but not in hashtag form, you may save those posts with the exact phrase but no hashtag if they are an important part of the overall discussion. You may want to keep track of which posts use a hashtag and which ones don't to see if there is an interesting pattern or conclusion to be drawn about use/no use of a hashtag when posting about a topic

After you have collected your data, you will read through those posts and start developing a coding system, based on our class readings and discussions about data coding. Once your system is finalized, you will code every post

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