Discussion: Intelligence Tests - Health and Mental Health
The assessment of cognitive abilities draws a range of opinions in terms of the validity of assessing "intelligence." Begin by defining what is assessed. Choose one side of the argument (that intelligence can be accurately measured or that it cannot) and present and review the evidence that supports your position. Focus on professional literature to establish your position. While your personal experiences with academic assessment may influence your opinion, it is your growing professional knowledge that will help you establish a sound and well informed understanding of the relevant issues.
•Read Ackerman's 2002 article, "Gender Differences in Intelligence and Knowledge: How Should We Look at Achievement Score Differences?" from Issues in Education, volume 8, issue 1.
•Read Beier & Ackerman's 2005 article, "Age, Ability, and the Role of Prior Knowledge on the Acquisition of New Domain Knowledge: Promising Results in a Real-World Learning Environment," from Psychology and Aging, volume 20, issue 2.
•Read Hagmann-von Arx, Meyer, and Grob's 2008 article, "Assessing Intellectual Giftedness With the WISC-IV and the IDS," from Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, volume 216, issue 3.
•Read Sternberg's 2003 article, "A Broad View of Intelligence: The Theory of Successful Intelligence," from Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, volume 55, issue 3.