
Review food trends that have emerged in restaurants

Assignment Instructions:

1. Choose THREE food trends that have emerged in restaurants, on menus or in grocery stores in the last THREE years.

a. Example: sushi restaurants are not a trend, but avocado toast on menus is considered a trend

b. NOTE: DO NOT use any of the trends listed in the food trends article. The article is provided to give students ideas of previous food trends. The article should not be summarized.

2. Formatting

a. Responses should be detailed and written in paragraph form. Since you are addressing multiple points, you may need to write more than one paragraph.

i. Please do not list the questions and then the answers below. You need to take the information gathered to answer the questions and write the information in paragraph form.

b. Responses should include proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

c. Please cite sources at the end of each food trend in either specific formatting.

3. Reference the rubric below before and while you are completing the assignment. This will help you maximize your score of this assignment.

The following items should be addressed for EACH food trend.

  • What is the food trend and how long has the trend been around?
  • Where is the trend located? For example, in restaurants, in grocery stores, nationwide or only in a region of the U.S.
  • Describe the marketing of the food trend. For example, is it marketed as healthy or is the marketing targeting a specific audience?
  • Evaluate the nutritional qualities of the food trend. For example, added sugars, micronutrients, type of fat, etc.
  • How does the nutritional evaluation compare to the marketing of the item?

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Other Subject: Review food trends that have emerged in restaurants
Reference No:- TGS03380892

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