
Review flood waters contributed exponentially to degradation


Question 1: I was sort of surprised to learn that the flood waters contributed exponentially to the degradation of the Nefertari tomb. Do you feel that pharaohs of that time period were aware of the possible risk to tombs and burials posed by the Nile River flooding? Do you feel that there are measures to mitigate water related damages that archaeologist and Egyptian officials could have taken or should take?

Question 2: I really enjoyed your presentation. I enjoyed the way that it ended, with an almost call to action to help keep this art in it's best condition. I wonder if there is a good way to restore these paintings, as deterioration will still occur over time and there is only so much we can do to prevent more loss of the paintings?


1. The Stability of the Tomb of Nefertari 1904-1987

By K. M. Wilson-Yang and George Burns

2. The article on the tomb of Nefertari


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History: Review flood waters contributed exponentially to degradation
Reference No:- TGS03179962

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