Complete the mcq:
Question 1
The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest union that represents public employees with nearly 3.0 million members, primarily teachers.
Question 2
Most states allow public employee strikes and protect strikers from potential sanctions for illegal strike activities, such as jail sentences and loss of union recognition.
Question 3
Researchers have found that there is a great significant correlation between public-sector bargaining rights and state deficit levels.
Question 4
Moving beyond the traditional adversarial approaches is one of the challenges for public-sector unions.
Question 5
Unionized public employees, especially those in particularly sensitive jobs such as teachers and police officers, are often subject to higher conduct standards and regulations than private-sector employees because citizens pay the taxes that pay public employees' salaries.
Question 6
Fact-finding and arbitration are successful in resolving impasses because these procedures provide deadlines for the parties to resolve their differences.
Question 7
The Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) created the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) which is an independent quasi-judicial agency to hear appeals from federal employees.
Question 8
The patronage system, also called the "spoils system" was applauded for providing qualified individuals that could get things done.
Question 9
Employee grievances over matters concerning adverse action, position classification, and equal employment opportunity are covered by the CSRA.
Question 10
The existence of monopolistic conditions in the public sector, and their control of the services rendered and products offered also exist in the private sector.
Question 11
In the federal sector, which of the following subjects is not a permissible subject, open to bargaining?
Numbers, types, and grades of positions assigned to any organizational unit, work project, or tour of duty.
Assigning work, subcontracting, and selecting employees for promotion from properly ranked and certified candidates and other appropriate sources.
Methods and means of performing the work.
Technology in the workplace.
Question 12
Under the ________, the U.S. President may waive employee and union rights granted under the Civil Service Reform Act, particularly for unionized employees assigned to intelligence, counterintelligence, or investigative work directly related to terrorism.
Anti-Terrorism Act
National Defense Act
Homeland Security Act
Patriot Act
Question 13
When a public-sector union makes a direct appeal to a legislative body or government official who has the final decision-making authority instead of the designated management negotiator before, during, or after negotiations, it's called:
Direct bargaining.
End-run bargaining.
Multilateral bargaining.
Streamlined bargaining.
Question 14
Which of the following is not a current and/or future challenge faced by public-sector unions?
Resisting the privatization of public services.
Unionizing the unrepresented professionals who make up roughly one-third of government jobs.
Moving beyond the traditional adversarial approaches.
Dealing with the abundance of ambitious leaders competing for top union jobs.
Question 15
The following is NOT a primary factor that has the potential to produce pressures on public-sector labor relations:
Public attitudes toward public-sector unions and collective bargaining.
There are no signs of significant declines in revenue available to governments.
Public attitudes toward public-sector unions and public-sector collective bargaining if pension liabilities and public-sector collective bargaining are linked.
Privatizing of public services.
Question 16
The independent, neutral agency that administers the federal labor relations program and investigates unfair labor practices is the:
Federal Labor Relations Authority.
Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP).
Merit System Protection Board (MSPB).
Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA).
Question 17
The agency which provides assistance in resolving negotiation impasses between federal agencies and unions in the federal government is the:
Federal Labor Relations Authority.
Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP).
Merit System Protection Board (MSPB).
Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA).
Question 18
The quasi-judicial agency that hears appeals from federal employees who allege violations of their employment rights is the:
Federal Labor Relations Authority.
Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP).
Merit System Protection Board (MSPB).
Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA).
Question 19
The laws which give citizens the opportunity to provide more input into how tax dollars are spent by their involvement and openness are called:
Sunset Laws.
Dawning Laws.
Open-forum Laws.
Sunshine Laws.
Question 20
The term used to describe the involvement of multiple parties in the collective bargaining process, particularly at the state and local levels is called:
End-run bargaining.
Sunshine Law.
Multilateral bargaining.
Interest arbitration.