
Review clinic scenario

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Prepare the organization chart for the clinic scenario that was presented in the Course Project Introduction.

Organizational Charts

An organizational chart depicts the formal structure of an organization in terms of rank. It shows the interrelationships of positions with regards to authority and responsibility. An organizational chart shows the managers and subordinates who make up the organization; thus, span of control and unity of command.

One downfall of organizational charts is that they usually need to be updated regularly, especially in large organizations where staff changes occur frequently. Therefore, it is important to include a date on an organizational chart so that it can easily be determined when it was created.

Three different types of relationships can be expressed on an organizational chart. The first is a line relationship. A line relationship is a direct reporting relationship between a superior and a subordinate. This is usually indicated by a solid, vertical line.
The second is a lateral relationship. A lateral relationship is a relationship between two people or departments on the same hierarchal level. This is usually indicated by a solid, horizontal line.

And third is a staff relationship. A staff relationship does not indicate a direct reporting relationship. Instead, this type of relationship shows employees or groups that service, advise, or support one another. This is usually indicated by a dotted line.
Conduct research to view examples of organizational charts. It is best if these are from health care organizations, but any examples will suffice.

Given the organization presented in the Course Project Introduction, construct an organizational chart indicating the appropriate lines of authority and responsibility. Indicate the number of employees reporting to each individual. Include employee title and credentials if known. You should use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to construct your chart. Your chart should fit on a single page.

Policy and procedures act as guidelines for hospitals; they give the people proper relationship with the hospital since they see that they can be reliable and that they are well organized. This gives the client some sense of reliability ion that they know what they ought to do and not what to do. They are also given the some sought of guideline that will help them to understand how the organization operates. When coming up with policies and procedure, it will be important to keep the interests of the customers at heart or rather in mind. This will give them some sought of association with the policies and procedures. Policies are also used to mitigate the risk that the health manager might find him or herself in. Policy statement The hospital manager shall facilitate adherence to the general policies of the profession requirements Hospital managers will be required to ensure that the patients that they are attending to has proper documentation and the medical condition are well known. No person shall be attended to without having a medical card from the hospital this will ensure that the hospital is dealing with legitimate patience this will help when paying for the services rendered/ Hospital managers are not allowed to make referrals to patients to other hospitals, without the authorization from the head of the medical team. No person shall be cleared or discharged from the hospital without the knowledge of the hospital management PART II POLICY/PROCEDURE 3 No hospital managers shall be liable for any resulting cost that will be attributed from medical condition In line with ensuring that the quality of medical provision to the patient the medical manager should make sure that the patient is given the best care that the hospital can afford, this will ensure that the patient can get better as soon as possible.

The environment should be clean (Drucker, 2013). Procedure The hospital procedures help in ensuring that the objective of the hospital is achieved in a more suitable or rather in a swift manner. Procedures help to make sure that the services being rendered are given to the customers or patients efficiently as they ought to do. A sick patient who needs medical attention will need to get a medical card from the hospital Before getting medical help, the patient will need to disclose the mode of payment or he or she will be relying on their assurance. Patience who has a medical history will need to communicate this to the hospital so that it may assist the doctor to deal with a lot of precision. A patient who will be admitted to the hospital will need to have a sheet filled by his or her family members. For effectiveness of the procedures of any hospital for that matter needs to be reviewed this is because it will help the hospital to adapt or conform to the ever changing nature and dynamics that the world is changing. Hospitals with very rigid procedures end up being the big losers if they PART II POLICY/PROCEDURE 4 are unable to address or rather take a keen interest of the people that they are targeting in mind (Proctor, 2014). In summary, when coming up with policies and procedures since they are interlinked with the each other therefore when one up with them, they should have a renewable policy and procedure that would be conducted over time so as to keep up with the rapid changes that are taking place, especially technology.

Reference: Drucker, P. (2013). Large Healthcare institution management. A risk management perspective. Proctor, L. (2014). Policies and procudures for healthcare organizations. Risk management perspective.

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