Refer to the following articles to gain an understanding of the historic, current and projected populations for your megacity of interest.
Megacities by the Numbers
By The Numbers: Megacities Of The Future
2014 revision of the World Urbanization Prospects
You will also discover in the following links the simultaneous allure and demise of these great urban environments that have grown at exponential rates to assume the title of 'megacity'.
Now considering Tokyo, Japan is the megacity you are selecting answer:
What accounts for these discrepancies among sources?
Despite the facts and figures surrounding megacities, they will inevitably continue to grow-particularly as population densities shift from the developed to the developing world.
What role will your selected megacity in particular play in an increasingly urban world?
The goal of this final discussion post is for your group to grapple with megacities by the numbers so that you may glean an understanding of the omnipresence of megacities as the world confronts issues associated with globalization and development toward an equitable outlook for urban inhabitants the world over.