
Review business contracts in files of mystic health systems

Problem: Read the hypothetical case study carefully below

During week 2, review some of the business contracts in the files of Mystic Health Systems. The Chief Medical Officer as part of his employment contract, the CMO receives $500,000 for his duties as CMO. He also receives $100,000 per year for administrative services provided to the hospital, which consist of chairing one medical staff meeting a month. He is permitted to maintain his practice of cardiology at the Medical Group. You separately learn that the CMO is the principal investigator (PI) for the conduct of a clinical trial on Sketchy Medical Devices' (SMD) latest drug-eluding coronary stent, for which Mystic Hospital holds the research grant.

You also review some papers that were in a pile at the bottom of your desk drawer. These include:

An estimate for work to repair the front steps to Mystic Hospital-in the description section at the bottom, the firm wrote "steps uneven; large hole in middle step concealed by rubber tacking; handrail missing 3 of 4 screws where secured to top of stairs. Repairs needed immediately." The estimate was dated 6 months ago and signed by the CEO, but when you call Facilities, they have no record of ever ordering the work.

A glowing letter of recommendation about a physician, written to a hospital in California by the CMO. The physician's name sounds familiar and then you remember that this morning's newspaper mentioned a physician with the same name arrested in California for operating while intoxicated. You hope that's a new habit he picked up after he left Mystic.

The hospital's patient restraint policy, written 3 months ago and updated a few weeks before you arrived. It applies only to psychiatric patients, so you make a mental note to follow up with the psych floor about compliance with the new policy.

A list of patient names, addresses, dates of birth, diagnosis codes, and treating Mystic physicians- someone wrote across the top, "Sent 04/2019." You look up the diagnosis codes and realize they're all related to cardiovascular disease. You find an attached letter paperclipped-it's a notice of receipt from Okay Pharma. You make a note to check in with the CMO about what this might be.

QUESTIONS and provide reasoning to both...

Which issues (law, regulation, policy, or governance requirement) merit highest priority in this case study? Why?

Which issues would you recommend for further investigation? Why?

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Reference No:- TGS03348598

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