
Review avoiding workgroup derailment

Discuss the following:

Avoiding Workgroup Derailment

Your place of work is exploring a large collaborative project for the first time, although there are some reservations on the part of management for the following reasons: The collective ideas of a workgroup can be an effective approach to tackling a project and at the same time present challenges for the group and its members. There are factors to consider when forming a workgroup such as the experience and skills of the members, the group’s individual and collective goals and objectives, and the location of group members, to name a few. For this assignment, you will need to do the following research to produce a report for management that will contribute to the final decision regarding the collaborative project:

1. Give a literature review using the current research on workgroups (2 pages)

2. Identify five challenges that derail workgroups and a recommendation to address each challenge (4-6 pages)

3. Conclude your paper with a summary that highlights three  key points from your research (1 page)

Assignment Criteria:

a. An abstract and headings are required for the assignment.

b. Present research to support your responses with at least five (5) scholarly journal articles published within the last five (5) years.

c. Use the third person point of view, and follow APA style guidelines for formatting. The paper should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides, and in 12 pt. Times New Roman or 10 pt. Arial font.


a. Please ensure you put your name, the course and section number on the cover page for all assignments.

b. All papers should be written in APA style (the UMUC standard), are expected to be on time and error free. Be mindful of spelling, grammar, punctuation, source citations, presentation of references, tables, and overall style.

c. Font: The font should be Times New Roman 12 pt. or Arial 10 pt.

d. Margins: All margins must be 1-inch all around your paper.

e. Spacing: All papers submitted are double-spaced.

f. Page length does not include cover page, and reference page(s) but does include the abstract, if there is one.

g. Full and complete documentation is expected throughout using APA citations and references.

h. Running heads are optional, but suggested, unless required by your professor.

i. Graduate papers are concise, well-researched, well-written, and well-documented scholarly works.

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Other Management: Review avoiding workgroup derailment
Reference No:- TGS01756921

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