
Review at the bargaining table

Create a two-page paper focusing on one of the topics below:

Review Chapter: At the Bargaining Table and answr the below:

You must Be sure these papers are in APA format and have at least four references listed that are current.

1. Assume that a large. nationwide company is negotiating a contract at the present time. What economic. political. legal. and social factors might he likely to exert some influ¬ence on these negotiations?

2. It has been argued by a union research director that "a fact is as welcome at a collective bargaining table as a skunk at a cocktail party.- Do you agree?

3. Evaluate the statement that "in the absence of a strike dead-line. there can he no true collective bargaining."

4. What might explain the frequently heard management observation that "highly democratic unions are extremely difficult to negotiate with?"

5. How do you account for the fact that the joint study approach still remains confined to a relative handful of industries?

6. From the viewpoint of society, is there anything to be said in favor of strikes?

7. Of all the personal attributes that this chapter has indicated are important for labor relations negotiators to have, which single one do you consider to he the most important. and why'?

8. "Successful labor contract bargaining should no longer he viewed as an 'an' It is far more appropriate today to refer to it as a 'science.'" Discuss.

9, -Nu manager who is prone to either ulcers or accepting ver-bal statements at face value belongs at the labor-relations bargaining table." Discuss, after explaining what this means.

10, "From the viewpoint of management. there is a great deal to be said for the policy of Boulwarism." Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

11. "From the viewpoint of the national interest, work stop¬pages in baseball. our national pastime, should be made illegal.- Comment fully.

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Other Subject: Review at the bargaining table
Reference No:- TGS01789157

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“In Conclusion, this paper is all about labor strike; it emphasizes more on why labor strike is non essential as it provides various reasons. Labor strike has a lot of negative effects as stated and emphasized on this paper as it can have a major effect on the laborers negatively although it still presents other lot of disadvantages of strike”.

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