
Review article predictive policing-future of law enforcement


There are two Discussion Boards and a Reflection Discussion for a total of three things to complete, must be answered thoroughly. Must be APA format, answer thoroughly, must have at least 1 to 2 verifiable legitimate sources per discussion post 1 and reflection discussion, must have in-text citations in discussion post 1 and reflection. 250+ words needed per discussion 1 & 2 and reflection 500 words post answering thoroughly.

Discussion 1

After reviewing reading, consider what leadership skills you need to develop to be successful in public safety administration.

Discussion 2

This is not so much a discussion as a chance for you all to give me some feedback on the what we've covered during our time together.

I'm asking that you'll take a few minutes to review the discussion topics from the past seven weeks and tell me which of the topics we discussed that you feel were most important.

Next, tell me if there are any other subjects that you wish we'd focused on in the class and should be emphasized for future classes.

Lastly, tell me anything that you'd change in the discussions or in way the class is conducted in the future.

Feel free to take this opportunity to refresh your understanding of the topics discussed and ask questions or make points regarding our discussions.

Program Outcomes Reflection Summary


The Program Outcome Reflections project required you to reflect on each of the five Public Safety Administration Program Outcomes demonstrating a comprehension of the concept(s) and indicating how the PSAD curriculum provided you the knowledge and skills (process or application of knowledge) to master the outcome. Please summarize your comments in a 500-word document for this assignment. Include suggestions to improve the curriculum or unresolved issues you have with the program.

Read via Hyperlink:

• "The Successes of Leaders"

• "5 Trends for Emergency Management and Public Safety for 2014 and Beyond"

Module Conclusion

In this course, we have examined current issues and how to identify issues or challenges. We followed by analyzing problems or issues, developing recommendations, implementing changes, and reviewing the changes to ensure that they are working. Review the appendix again as you conclude this class. What can you see in the case studies that you may not have noticed previously?

Remember, there are a number of visionary leaders in the public, private, and business sectors. You can learn from them as you move your public sector agency into the next challenge. What might we be facing in the future?

Here are some articles that identify some future challenges.

A well-known author in the public sector field, Harry Carter, writes about "What Does the Future of the Fire Service Hold?"

The article, "Predictive Policing: The Future of Law Enforcement?" looks at public safety from the police perspective.

Homeland security has and will have an interesting future of issues, challenges, and potential solutions. This video, "What Security Threats Does the Future Hold and What Can we Do Now to Protect Ourselves from Them?" delves into the future of homeland security.

"The Future of Homeland Security: Evolving and Emerging Threats" shows a different author's perspective.

As you finish your project and this capstone class, you should reflect on what you have learned, not just in this course, but in all your courses. The information will help you and your public safety organization or other business succeed. You have covered material such as:

• Management functions, paradigms, practices, challenges, and politics and risk.

• Hazard and risk analysis, customer service awareness, quality control methodology, integrated public services, best practices, and public/private partnerships.

• Strategic plans, budgeting, resource allocation, operational plans, hazard mitigation plans, emergency operation plans, incident action plans and implementation, including positive and negative forces.

• Federal, state, and local legal systems; the legal and political environment; workplace administrative laws and regulations; public policy; liability; and risk reduction.

• Scientific research, research methodology, technology, evaluation, and utilizing research and technology in public safety administration.

• Origin and history of ethics, ethical issues in public safety administration, ethical behavior, codes of conduct and codes of ethics, personal ethics statements, organizational culture, and political factors.

• Leadership, leadership theories and styles, leadership roles, leadership performance, individual leadership skills and plans, effective leadership, and future trends.

• Material from your homeland security, fire science, and emergency management courses.

• Effective writing skills courses as well as any other required or elective courses that you have taken to give you a well-balanced undergraduate degree.

• Finally, your capstone course, in which we looked at integrating leadership, administration, and management concepts and their application to current public safety issues.

This is a lot of information that you have obtained. Keep this in mind as you move onto your next endeavor.

"We always hope for the easy fix: the one simple change that will erase a problem in a stroke. But few things in life work this way. Instead, success requires making a hundred small steps go right-one after the other, no slipups, no goofs, everyone pitching in."

- Atul Gawande, Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance

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