
Review article pertain to consumer behavior

Article Review on Consumer Behavior

Article Review (750-1000 words - using APA writing style)

Students whose last name begin with A-L

Students whose last name begin with M-Z

Students are encouraged to expand their reading outside of the assigned text. Students are responsible for finding a current article for this assignment. The first half of the paper should review the main points raised by the author. The second half of the paper should examine the quality and applications. For eg, offer a critique of some of the author's points or consider how useful the article is. Is it solid research? Finally, offer a comparison to course materials.

Articles that pertain to Consumer Behavior can be get in current periodicals. (Excellent sources include: Harvard Business Review and Sloan Management Review.) Articles from journals in the library are preferable to material found from the Internet where the source is unclear (unknown periodical, unknown author, etc.) Students mustv become familiar with their local library or an online source to find articles.

Article reviews should include references throughout the paper whenever you are dependent on outside sources. Your paper should also include a reference page at the end of the article review.

Also the book Consumer Behavior & Marketing Strategy by J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson can be used for reference.

Points will be assigned as follows:

a. 20/20: Follow APA standards

b. 20/20: Review the Main Points of the Article

c. 20/20: Offer a Critique of the Article

d. 20/20: 750-1000 Words (Title, header, and references do not count towards total number of words)

e. 20/20: Comparison to Course Materials

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Other Management: Review article pertain to consumer behavior
Reference No:- TGS01776368

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