
Review article on pharma spending on doctors


Discussion Board: "Drug Makers Pay for Lunch as they Pitch"

PART 1: Prior to completing this assignment you should read the 2 articles that are posted below from Wired Magazine and the NY Times.

Write a 450 to 550 word response and post it to the discussion board link. You may write your essay based on one of the following discussion questions, OR you may write own original argument.

• Do not summarize these essays excessively. Reference the facts and details as needed, but use the material as a "spring-board" for your own argument.

Important: For this essay you need to include 1 outside reference. I want you to use some kind of example from an external source and synthesize it into your own argument. This might include data and facts from a website (a newspaper, magazine, study), or it might be a historical or cultural example where you make a comparison. It could also be a reference toa relevant situation in a book or film or TV show, or taken directly from current events.

Quoting Material: When you use an external source, you must be sure to quote the source and give credit. For example: According to the Wall Street Journal the company failed to... Or The CDC states that "1 in 4 Americans are refusing to get vaccinated."

APA format:I do NOT require strict APA format for this assignment-all I ask is that you copy and paste the link to the website.

You must give credit if it's a direct quote OR if it's a paraphrase of an idea from that external source. Not giving credit to another writer for their ideas is still plagiarism.

PART 2: Discussion Question

1) Wired Magazine article on "Pharma Spending on Doctors" to support your position.

2) We value the freedom of doctors and medical staff to speak with whoever they want (such as drug representatives) with some specific restrictions detailed in Saul's article. Is there something unique about the medical industry that justifies increased regulation and disclosure? (You may also reference the Wired article on opioids, if you choose to).

You might argue why the system is fair and effective in its current state (perhaps even that all regulation should be removed). Perhaps such external regulation could have unintended consequences or be a waste of resources or simply infringe on doctor's freedom? What ethical principle justifies your position? Feel free to bring in outside examples or analogies to support your claim.


Read and study the folder marked Discussion Board Handouts to prepare you for writing your essay. You should write this as a standard essay you would write in English Composition I. This means that you will have clear parts that include the following:

1) An introduction with a clear thesis statement.

2) 2 to 3 Body Paragraphs with clear Topic Sentences that clearly relate to your argument. Be sure to support your claims with examples and evidence.

3). An effective conclusion.


Drug Makers Pay for Lunch as They Pitch


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Business Law and Ethics: Review article on pharma spending on doctors
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