
Review and reflect on the comparing international emergency

Question: Review and reflect on the Comparing International Emergency Management Operations Discussion Board. Based on your review and reflection of new learning in this course, write at least 350 words on the following:

What have you learned from others'' responses?

What were the most compelling points from the interaction with your fellow students?

How did participating in this discussion help in your understanding of the Discussion Board task?

What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information in the students'' networking?

What is still unclear after the discussion with your classmates that needs to be clarified?


What information will you include in your presentation? Explain.

This should include the things that are going to change in the Emergency Management Process. The conferences focus on policy development, emergency management concerns, legislative issues, and federal relations. This should give attendees the opportunity to hear, first-hand, the latest on issues that impact their agencies'' programs.

The vast majority of states are represented at NEMA forums, Federal Agencies; members of Congress and the current Administration, and others attend the meetings so that they can discuss policy and program issues and get input from state directors.

Why do you feel the specific information that you are including is important to U.S. emergency management? Explain.

This information is important to ensure that the management understands the potential issues that may arise and ensures the success of the mission. If there is an area that may be lacking, how can this affect our ability to mitigate, respond or even plan for a crisis? This should be the top priority of the managements thought process to ensure there are no stumbling blocks that are going to keep us from being able to be successful in any aspect of the Emergency Management Process.

What do you see as the 3 most significant emergency management challenges outside of the United States? Why?

Combating Terrorism: Enhancing Partnerships through a National Preparedness Strategy, GAO-02-549T. Washington, D.C.: March 28, 2002. Building a relationship and a network to help identify the threat and to keep the threat from ever entering our boarders. This is one of the most difficult tasks, to keep track and watch on the Terrorist or known Terrorist outside the United States and to keep them out, before they create another crisis for us. (9/11)

Foreign interactions, we have a great plan for what we are going to do in the instance that something happens here in the United States but what happens if it is on our boarders and affects both the United States and a surrounding boarder? What we need to ensure is that we are able to coordinate the responses to both the U.S. other neighboring affected region. This could be coordination between Mexico, or Canada and ensure that we are working together to conquer the same mission.

National Preparedness: Integrating New and Existing Technology and Information Sharing into an Effective Homeland Security Strategy GAO-02-811T. Washington, D.C.: June 7, 2002. Need to ensure that the were are preparing for the changes in technology, a lot of the technology exists or is created outside of the United States, ensuring that we can get a grasp on the capabilities and understand the full potential will aid in the mitigation, planning and recovery operations of the emergency plan.

What promising strategies or tactics are likely to help effectively address those challenges?

Continuously building our foreign relations to gain the desired sharing of information that we need to better prepare ourselves of the new technology, the locations and actions of the Terrorist outside the United States, and keeping them from entering the United States. Stopping them at the boarders and not opening the boarders and allowing the fighting age males to enter the United States under the direction of the President, these actions will accommodate the system that we need to help build our relations and keep the great Country Safe and Free. Using the technology to better benefit the Emergency Management and other Agencies.


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Dissertation: Review and reflect on the comparing international emergency
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