
Review and interpret the spss-generated cross-tabulation



Understanding basic statistics is critical to successful analysis and interpretation of marketing research data. Please review the SPSS presentations and related SPSS outputs documents along with the statistics material you have covered in your course textbook. You will use the provided outputs for CarCare, Inc., in the Assignment Instructions folder to complete this assignment. The body of the paper must be 2-3 pages and also include a reference page. Three citations from the course text or other resources as relevant to support definition and discussion of the outputs are required. Current APA format must be followed. You will find from reviewing the Zikmund & Babin text and course presentations which components of each output are relevant for review and comment. Please be sure that you fully address these important test results when developing each section of this assignment:

1. Write 1 to 2 well-developed and research-supported paragraphs discussing the importance of statistical software in marketing research data analysis.

2. Review and interpret the SPSS-generated cross-tabulation results and write 1 well-developed paragraph analyzing the appropriate components of the output and draw inferences from the data for CarCare, the organization conducting the research.

3. Review and interpret the SPSS-generated t-test output results and write 1 well-developed paragraph analyzing the appropriate components of the output and draw inferences from the data for the organization.

4. Review and interpret the SPSS-generated ANOVA and write 1 well-developed paragraph analyzing the appropriate components of the output and draw inferences from the data for the organization.

5. Review and interpret the SPSS-generated multiple regression outputs and write 1 to 2 well-developed paragraphs analyzing the appropriate components of the output and draw inferences from the data for the organization.

6. In conclusion, write 1 to 2 paragraphs discussing how your understanding of the application of statistical analysis has changed or developed through this course, and how you could envision this type of statistical data analysis being useful for an organization that you are familiar with.

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