
Review and explain the statistical methodology used in this

Please refer to the following data set & information issued by the FBI. You may access your textbook, lecture notes, excel or other notes.

Preliminary Semi-annual Uniform Crime Report, Please note the following links provide data sets for 2013 by various types of crime committed.

All answers need to be shown on the exam paper. Do not attach any spss or excel output as it will not be marked. Please attach the results from SPSS simply by copy and pasting the table of results onto the paper.


Questions:  go to offenses page (below link), choose one of the "expanded offense data types" and download the chosen data set:


(1) What are the predictor (INDEPENDENT) and dependent variable(s) in this study? Does the theoretical foundation justify the very definition and the use of these variables? Explain, and justify your position based on the theoretical framework, actual data analysis, report(s) and explanations provided by the FBI. Are the statements made by the FBI for crime reduction (ALL TYPES OF CRIME) accurate? Test and validate with the actual data analysis? If crime is reduced (OVERALL), what may this be attributable to? 

(2) Review and explain the statistical methodology used in this study design (the URL provides information on methodology and data collection methods?  Are there sufficient theory foundation and the rationale to justify this model used? Describe the statistical model and its components. Justify if the statistical model in this study is a GOOD   FIT............  OF NOT A GOOD FIT [TEST FOR MODEL FIT CRITERIA], JUSTFY WHY THIS MODEL DOES NOT FIT.. What other model (suggest one or models) that could be good fit.

(3) Are there research hypothesis stated in this study? What are they?  Of none available, state you own on trends of violent crime reduction and test statistically. Do the statistical model and its findings reject the Ho Hypothesis and fail to reject?  You should use descriptive statistical methods, inferential statistics, cross tabulations, frequencies, and charts to justify your findings, multiple regression, ANOVA, factorial design etc. for tests of inference? Employ the most appropriate statistical design for this type of data. Assume the role of a CRIME ANALYST, reporting to senior policy makers.

(4) What are the "key research findings "in this study? Are these findings in support of the defined research question and the hypothesis you have tested?  What do the results of the study suggest for improvement of innovation in crime prevention and what may be the policy implications of these suggestions? Are these theoretical findings implementable from an operational perspective? Write a half page report (a critical analytic) synopsis of  you are seeing in the data patterns for crime reduction and other issues. Be precise and concise. Validate your statements with actual data analysis.

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Dissertation: Review and explain the statistical methodology used in this
Reference No:- TGS01599544

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