
Review-an empirical study of the factors affecting social

Please answers the following questions below based on the article entitled "An Empirical study of the factors affecting social network service use

1. What is the underlying problem (gap) mentioned in the article that justifies the writing of the article? (Please support this with dear statement pads p from the article)

2. What is the objective of the article?

3. Please search I article through the Internet that discuss/ analyze on "Social Network Service" Based on the abstract of that article, please discuss what the article is all about (Please provide the copy/ link of the abstract when answering this question)

4. Please answer the following questions:

a. Please define the target population being used in the article.

b. In your opinion, what is the more appropriate target population that should be used in this article?

c. What type of sampling technique should be used in this article? Explain your answers.

5 What are the variables used in the article and what type of variable are those?

6 What is the nature of the research. (Exploratory, Descriptive or Causal)? Explain your answers.

7 What is the unit of analysis used in the article?

8. Based on the time horizon, is it a longitudinal study or cross-sectional study? Explain your answers,

9. Explain how the constructs/variables were measured?

10. Based on the article, please select ONLY (ANY) 4 variables that were being analyzed and answer the following questions

a. Please develop Operational Definition to measure each of those 4 variables that you have selected.

b. Please construct 4 question items (questionnaire) that measure each of those 4 variables that you selected (Meaning: I questionnaire/ question item for I variable).

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Other Subject: Review-an empirical study of the factors affecting social
Reference No:- TGS02042067

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