
Review an article engineering reverse innovations

Review an article engineering reverse innovations by amos winter

Create a 3-page paper, and details follow.

• Almost all research articles start with a short summary; followed by a description of the problem or issue being researched; followed by a description of the methodology and research itself (e.g., a mail survey or interviews); and end with conclusions to be drawn from the research. Sometimes the conclusion is labeled as such; in other cases, the author will write the conclusion as the final page of so of the article. Read both summary and conclusion first. This will give you a good sense of what you will be reading. This is not a novel. Reading a summary and the conclusion will not spoil the plot.

• Your 3-page review will be in two parts. Separate these with headers - labeled "Summary" and "Analysis." The first half should be a summary of the article. It should address these questions: what problem is the author addressing? What is his/her methodology for addressing the problem? And what are his/her conclusions?

• In the second half of the paper, you should present a brief analysis of the article. There are many, many ways to do this. One is to respond to this question: how does this article and its research relate to or fit into the broader field of strategic management.


1. Include a cover page and follow the format indicated in Appendix A of the course syllabus. Text should be double-spaced, paginated after the cover sheet, 1" margins, etc.

2. Make sure to put headers for the following; Summary, What is the problem, Methodology and Conclusion , Analysis

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Other Subject: Review an article engineering reverse innovations
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