
Review an analyzing the uniform crime report

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Research Paper:

Begin working on your Research Paper. Every student will be required to write a Research paper about the following topic: ‘After analyzing the Uniform Crime Report, put out by the FBI, offer a quantitative analysis of increased crime trends in America and offer a solution to decreasing those particular crime trends, which you have identified. Make sure to include the statistical data cited in the UCR of those crime trends you have identified' The minimum word count for the paper must exceed 1500 words. The term paper must possess a minimum of five credible sources (example: Wikipedia is NOT considered a credible source), typed, and double spaced. I also require a minimum of 50% original content (content not cited) in your term paper. I want good credible sources from academic journals, case law, text books, etc., as well as your own original thoughts, positions, and conclusions about what is written in those journals. The Research paper is due on: July 7, 2017, by 11:00pm. The weight of the Research/Term paper presentation assignment is 34% of the students overall grade. It is forbidden to submit a paper which you have written in another class and use it for this class. Doing so will be considered Plagiarism. The Safe Assign Data Base Program, which all papers are ran through, will pick up copied papers and previously submitted papers anywhere in the world. A report is generated and sent to me after your paper is submitted. The Research paper will be submitted via the "Term Paper Assignments" icon listed on the left hand side of the Blackboard: The paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word.

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Other Subject: Review an analyzing the uniform crime report
Reference No:- TGS01970554

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