
Review-alexandria city council agrees to a watered-down


A code of ethics might have primarily low road language, or it might primarily have high road language. A fusion approach is generally recognized as the best way to go about writing a code of ethics. These different approaches are just varying ways of attempting to attain the same goal of ethical conduct. They are simply different ways of motivating and informing people of the organization's expectations of attitudes and behaviors.

An analogy might be some coaches scream and yell at their players, and make them run if they mess up. Some coaches might praise their athletes and tell them they should strive to be examples for other students both on and off of the playing field. I would suggest most coaches probably combine these approaches. But, the end goal is to have a successful team, regardless of the approach.

For this assignment please do the following:

Read the article about the City of Alexandria's new Code of Conduct.

Article: Alexandria City Council agrees to a watered-down ethics code By Patricia Sullivan.

1. In one sentence state what makes this code one that primarily has "High Road" language.

2. The article states that the code has been "watered down." What does the author mean by this statement? Do you agree? Why? or Why not?

3. If a code of ethics has "low road" language, what does that mean?

4. If a code of ethics has a "fusion approach," what does that mean?

5. There are positives and negatives to both the high road approach and the low road approach. Please state one positive thing about both. Please also state one negative thing about both. Explain why you believe these things to be positive and negative attributes of these styles or approaches to writing a code of ethics.

6. Research a code of conduct or a code of ethics from a public entity. (Remember that a code of ethics might be one page long, or it might be the size of a small booklet.) Find examples of low road language from these codes. (Find a minimum of two examples of language. These examples can come from the same code or a different code.) After you show me these examples be sure and explain why these are examples of low road language. Be sure and provide a citation to the code(s) you reference

To research for the a code of conduct use the state of florida

Minimum word count is 300 words - excluding the examples from a code of ethics. - Include the word count.

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