
Review a place of worship and interview


For this project you will choose a religion that is not your own and then visit a place of worship and interview a person of that faith. You will report your findings in an informative 2000-2500 word paper. In addition to the site visit and interview you will compare and contrast this religion with at least one other religion you are familiar with through this class.

Your World Religions Report should be 2000-2500 words in length, formatted according to APA guidelines, and contain the below elements:

1. Introduction of the religion

2. Name, location and review of the physical site. (Discuss your experiences during the visit to the place of worship to observe a group activity such as worship.1. What did you observe and experience? 2. What did you learn about practicing the religion from observing people engaged in a ceremony or service?)

3. Interview summary

4. Comparing and contrasting with another religion

5. Conclusion

6. Citations and references

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Reference No:- TGS01866025

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