
Revenue-producing departments using the direct method

Cost accounting: A managerial emphasis 3rd Canadian edition ISBN: 0130355801

E-BOOKS is an online book retailer. The company has four departments. The two revenue producing departments are corporate sales and consumer sales. The two support departments are administrative (human resources, accounting and so on) and information systems (IS). Each of the sales departments conducts merchandising and marketing operations independently.

The following data for September 2002 will assist you in allocating costs to the different departments.

Revenue    #of employees    Processing time used

Corporate sales    $1,334,200    42     1920
Consumer sales       $667,000    28    1600
Administrative               $0        14      320
IS                                $0         21    1120

Costs incurred in each of four departments for September 200s are as bellows.

Corporate sales         $998,270
Consumer sales          489,860
Administrative               72,700
Information systems     234,400


1) Allocate the support department costs to the revenue-producing departments using the direct method

2) Develop appropriate overhead allocation rates for the four departments. Rank the support departments on the percentage of their services rendered to other support departments (using September departmental costs). Use this ranking and your overhead rates to allocate support costs based on the step-down allocation method;

3) Could you have ranked the support departments differently? If so, how else could you rank the support departments? Had you done so in this problem, would the allocations have changed?

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Accounting Basics: Revenue-producing departments using the direct method
Reference No:- TGS01906613

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