started as an online bookstore that has turned into one of the largest online retailers selling items from music and movies to artwork and furniture. As the company website states “it is by design that technological innovation drives the growth of to offer customers more types of products, more conveniently, and at even lower prices. In this paper you will learn the financial health of the company The 9-step process written about by Professor Piper will be followed to assess how financially sound is now and the outlook for its future.
Step 1 Goals, Strategy and Operating aims to be the “most customer-centric company for four primary customer sets: customers, seller, enterprises, and content creators (, n.d.).
Step 2 Revenue OutlookThe primary source of revenue for is the sale of products and services to customers.
Step 3 Investment in Assets
Step 4 Economic Performance
Step 5 External Financing Need
Step 6 Target Sources of Finance
Step 7 Viability of 3-5 Year Plan
Step 8 Stress Test for Viability
Step 9 Financing and Operating Plan for Current Year