
revenue loss due to loss of opportunity to

Revenue Loss Due to Loss of Opportunity to Serve

The revenue loss because of "loss of opportunity to serve" is a extremely relevant but less visible aspect of revenue loss. Guarding against technical and non technical loss is one aspect, but there is an equal required to guard against loss of revenue due to lost opportunity (Box).

                                              Box: Reasons for Loss of Opportunity to Serve

  1. System outage (any part or total system) leading to loss of revenue

- because of breakdown;

- because of preventive maintenance;

- because of load shedding.

  2. Overloading and unbalancing

- high voltage drop in lines leading to low voltage at consumer premises and lesser consumption;

- high voltage drop at tail end of affected phases in case of unbalance, leading to lesser consumption;

- high voltage drop due to large reactive currents causing I2R drop in lines and resulting in lesser voltage and low consumption.

  3. Tree touching

- voltage sag at consumer premises, leading to lower consumption.

It is observed that after restoration of power the load on the system shoots up. Healthy installation and manages practices together along with proper equipment design could help in decreasing breakdowns and maintenance and assuring a better reliability of supply at proper voltages.

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Electrical Engineering: revenue loss due to loss of opportunity to
Reference No:- TGS0203323

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