My company is unhappy with our operations, and we believe that our asset management can be improved. Our management team points out that the average total turnover ratio in our industry is 3.00X. My management team does not want to be average and we want a total asset turnover ratio of 4.00X which would put us inline with the industry leaders. If we succeed in increasing our total asset turnover ratio without harming our other numbers, what would our new ROE be? Assume this goal will be achieved without affecting other ratios.
Current assets: 3,000,000
Net fixed assets: 12,000,000
Total Assets: 15,000,000
Total Debt 6,000,000
Total Equity: 9,000,000
Total Debt and equity: 15,000,000
We generated $1,500,000 of net income on $35,000,000 in sales