
retailing and wholesaling retailing and

Retailing and Wholesaling


Retailing and wholesaling consist of various organizations bringing services and goods from the point of manufacture to the point of use. Retailing by definition includes all of the activities involved in selling services and goods directly to last consumers for their personal, non-business use. Retailers may be classified as non store retailers and store retailers. Store retailers may be afterwards classified by the amount of service they give, the product line sold, relative prices charged, and retail organization outline (control of outlets). Non store retailers are explained as being in direct marketing, , telephone, catalogs, home TV, shopping shows, door-to-door contact, home and office parties,  online services ,automatic vending, and the Internet, and other direct retailing approaches.

Retailing decisions contain the constant discovery for new marketing strategies to draw and hold customers. Considerations are the focused product assortment, market and positioning decision, the services decision, the promotion decision, the price decision and the place decision. All decisions are verified closely in the chapter. A no of examples provide explanations of many options that are available in every aforementioned areas.

Retailers  function  in  a  harsh  and  fast-changing  environment,  which  offers  threats  plus opportunities. New retail forms continue to emerge to meet new consumer and situations needs, but the life cycle of new retail forms is obtaining shorter. Additionally to the traditional forms of retailing, now consumers have an array of non traditional alternatives to select from including mail order, phone, television and online shopping. The final major trend that appears to be of interest to business strategists and marketers is the rise of vast mass merchandisers and specialty superstores. These forms will have a pronounced influence on the way retailing is conducted in the future. Unlike retailing, wholesaling deals with the sale of services and goods that will be resold by and/or used by the business customer itself. One way to learn and understand wholesaling is to verify the functions that are carry out by the wholesalers.  These functions include promoting and selling, purchasing and assortment building, , warehousing, bulk-breaking, , financing, transportation, risk bearing, performing management services, supplying market information and providing advice for  customers.  Wholesalers may be divided into many groups. Three prime types of wholesalers are agents, merchant wholesalers and brokers, and producer and retailer sales branches and offices. 

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Marketing Management: retailing and wholesaling retailing and
Reference No:- TGS0177135

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