
ret return from the procedure-at each call

RET : Return from the Procedure:-

At each CALL instruction, the register IP and register CS of the next instruction is pushed to stack, before the control is transferred to the process. In the ending of the procedure, the RET instruction ought to be executed. When it is executed, previously stored content of register IP and CS along with the flags is retrieved into the CS register, IP register and flag registers from the stack and the execution of the main program continues further. The procedure can be a far or a near procedure. In the case of a FAR procedure, the existing contents of SP points to IP and CS register at the time of return. While in the case of a NEAR procedure, it points to only IP. Depending on the type of procedure and the SP contents, the RET instruction has four types.

1. Return within the segment.

2. Return within the segment adding 16-bit immediate displacement to the SP contents.

3. Return the intersegment.

4. Return the intersegment adding 16-bit immediate displacement to the SP contents.


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Assembly Language: ret return from the procedure-at each call
Reference No:- TGS0173545

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