
Results of solom diagnostic assessment

Employ the "Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (SOLOM)," available on Center for Applied Linguistics website at https://www.cal.org/twi/EvalToolkit/appendix/solom.pdf, to measure the communicative skills of English language learner.

It might be helpful throughout your observation to first take field notes of what is happening throughtout the lessons and note how the student is attending to lesson in demonstrating oral language proficiency. Then employ these notes to aid rate the student's oral language proficiency.

  • Employ the results of SOLOM diagnostic assessment to plan content area lesson in which you incorporate strategy to meet the area of need as identified in the SOLOM for this student:
  • Write down your lesson plan with the activity included.
  • Explain the purpose of the activity.
  • Ensure you've a content objective(s) and language objective in your plan.
  • Include formative assessment.
  • Describe, in a brief paragraph of 250-500 words, how at the end of your lesson plan you would use a summative assessment at the end of complete unit of study.
  • Deliver the lesson.

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Reference No:- TGS032855

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