Topic: Results Based Management
Description: Explore the role of project management in development. Your paper must explain your ability to analyze and problematize situations, and to develop alternative responses to the issue you have chosen. Your paper should be at least 2000 words in length.
• Structure (introduction, synthesis, analysis and conclusion).
• Clear thesis statement expressing in a nutshell what the reader can expect to read in the discussion.
• Acknowledgement of all the sources of information.
• General readability.
• Grammar and spelling.
• Suitable headings, sub-headings, illustrations and page numbering.
• Conciseness.
• Relevant and up to date material and sources used and indicated.
• Use of illustrations.
• Using a variety of suitable sources in-depth academic research.
• Synthesis: Explaining a knowledge and understanding of present debates and issues.
• Analysis: Presenting and justifying your views and conclusions on the debates and issues.