Rest's Four-Component Ethical Decision Making Model
Using Rest's Four-Component Ethical Decision Making Model, outline a step-by-step application to the following case story. Outline the possible outcomes for each individual and any benefits and limitations of the model.
Case Story
You are a faculty member at a college. The dean assigned the head of your department to examine a specific issue. You attended several meetings of various faculty members to discuss the issue, and the department head attended only one. You and a colleague wrote a reasoned, point-by-point response to the original issue of concern, and you sent this to the department head. A few months later, you are surprised to see a journal article manuscript with the department head listed as the sole author. When you read the article, you see that you and your colleague are cited in the appendix, but much of the material is word for word what you have written.
Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced