
Responsibility of software quality assurance group

1) Describe in detail the different factors related to testing OO systems.

2) Describe reliability, availability and maintainability of a system in detail with suitable example.

3) Explain the tools and techniques used for maintenance of the system.

4) Describe in detail how to estimate products.

5) Explain the different methods to improve processes and resources.

6) Explain the phases involved in prototype life-cycle model.

7) Explain the phased life cycle model.

8) Write down the significance of decision table with suitable example.

9) In software design, describe the notations that are used for representation.

10) Write down the object oriented concepts in software engineering and describe them in detail.

11) Describe the main responsibility of software quality assurance group.

12) What are the kinds of activities in system testing? Describe them in detail.

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Software Engineering: Responsibility of software quality assurance group
Reference No:- TGS010293

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