In your final course in the criminal justice program, you will create a research question that you will then investigate further. To assist you in this task, review the following list of current research topics covered in each course. Choose one of those topics (or another topic covered in this course) and create one to three research questions based on that topic. Then, submit the questions to your instructor.
This research question assignment is graded based on completion, and instructor feedback should help you strengthen your questions for future use. After you have submitted the questions to your instructor, upload them (and the list of potential topics below, if you wish) to your ePortfolio PDF.
For more information on creating research questions, refer to this research resource from the Shapiro Library. This page also has a helpful FAQ section on research-question creation and expectations that you may want to explore further.
Functions and responsibilities of police and law enforcement officers
Theories of policing
Styles of policing
Purposes and types of communications within policing
Developing objective and accurate policing communications
Changing policing communications depending on audience and role
Police legitimacy and public trust
Procedural justice and community perception
Community policing