
Responsibilities of a general purpose database manager

Q1. State the term Normalization. Illustrate the problems addressed by the normalization.

Q2. List out the main responsibilities of a general purpose Database Manager (DBM)? What problems might take place if these responsibilities are not met by the DBM?

Q3. Let the given relation schemas are given:

R = (X, Y, Z)

Write down an expression in the tuple and domain relational calculus which is equivalent to the ΠX(r).

Q4. Define the given terms:

a) Attribute
b) Tuple, Relation
c) View.

Q5. Describe strong entity set and a weak entity set with the help of an illustration.

Q6. Compare and contrast the DBMS with the traditional file based system.

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Database Management System: Responsibilities of a general purpose database manager
Reference No:- TGS011721

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