Assignment task:
Topic: Responsibilities in the compensation system
Develop a critical essay Develop an Introduction where the topic of employee compensation and benefits is presented, concisely stating what the main objectives are Development He criticizes the strategic role of the different compensation systems for the management of employees. Describes the decision-making process for determining monetary compensation for employee positions. Mentions and describes the appropriate standards for performance measures, compensation and benefits of nursing professionals. Hypothetical Case: Imagine that you are the nursing executive leader of a low-budget long-term care facility. What strategies would you use to hire new staff and motivate current employees when your supervisors can monetarily pay 30 to 40 percent more than your organization? Mention and describe the components of a compensation and benefits package that can stimulate the development of the organization's human capital. Identify and describe at least 2 job evaluation methods for reclassification or salary increase. Conclusion: Close your essay by synthesizing qualities that you think are the critical points in the compensation system that the executive leader should consider to favor the development of his staff. Include References APA 7 format.