
Responsibilities and relationships in education and training

Assignment Part A:

Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training

I) understand the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training

Question 1.1: Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training.

Question 1.2: Summarize key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities.

Question 1.3: Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity.

Question 1.4: Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learning needs.

II) Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment

Question 2.1: Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment.

Question 2.2: Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others.

III) Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education and training.

Question 3.1: Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals.

Question 3.2: Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles.

Question 3.3: Describe points of referral to meet the needs of learners.

Assignment Part B:

Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching Approaches in Education and Training

I) understand inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training.

Question 1.1: Describe features of inclusive teaching and learning.

Question 1.2: Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting individual learning needs.

Question 1.3: Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for learners to develop their English, mathematics, ICT and wider skills.

II) Understand ways to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment

Question 2.1: Explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment.

Question 2.2: Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods to meet individual learner needs.

Question 2.3: Explain ways to engage and motivate learners.

Question 2.4: Summarize ways to establish ground rules with learners.

III) Be able to plan inclusive teaching and learning (Do not write essay here. Evidence provided in Lesson Plan and micro-teach session.)

Question 3.1: Devise an inclusive teaching and learning plan

Question 3.2: Justify own selection of teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods in relation to meeting individual learning needs.

IV) Be able to deliver inclusive teaching and learning (Do not write essay here. Evidence provided in Lesson Plan and micro-teach session.)

Question 4.1: Use teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods to meet individual learning needs.

Question 4.2: Communicate with learners in ways that meet their individual needs.

Question 4.3: Provide constructive feedback to learners to meet their individual needs.

V) Be able to evaluate the delivery of inclusive teaching and learning

Question 5.1: Review the effectiveness of own delivery of inclusive teaching and learning.

Question 5.2: Identify areas for improvement in own delivery of inclusive teaching and learning.

Assignment Part C:

Understanding Assessment in Education and Training

I) Understand types and methods of assessment used in education and training

Question 1.1: Explain the purposes of types of assessment used in education and training.

Question 1.2: Describe the characteristics of different methods of assessment in education and training.

Question 1.3: Compare the strengths and limitations of different assessment methods in relation to meeting individual learning needs.

Question 1.4: Explain how different assessment methods can be adapted to meet individual learning needs.

II) Understand how to involve learners and others in the assessment process

Question 2.1: Explain why it is important to involve learners and others in the assessment process.

Question 2.2: Explain the role and use of peer and self-assessment in the assessment process.

Question 2.3: Identify sources of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process.

III) Understand the role and use of constructive feedback in the assessment process

Question 3.1: Describe key features of constructive feedback.

Question 3.2: Explain how constructive feedback contributes to the assessment process.

Question 3.3: Explain ways to give constructive feedback to learners.

IV) Understand the requirements for keeping records of assessment in education and training.

Question 4.1: Explain the need to keep records of assessment of learning.

Question 4.2: Summarize the requirements for keeping records of assessment in an organisation.

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